I wrote earlier about the pitfalls of binary questions. To summarize, we usually come up with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer which precludes God from weighing in on what His best is for us. So, if we presume that God has the best answer for a given situation, the question is why doesn’t He just give us the answer immediately so that we can move on and execute? What I’ve seen consistently is that God always enjoys relationships! So much so that He’s not terribly concerned with the answer to my questions as much as He’s concerned about whether or not I want to stay in relationship (i.e., conversation) with Him.
If we’re honest with each other, I bet you aren’t much different that me. I’m so busy trying to get the answer that I’m willing to leapfrog the relationship with my Creator so that I can get to the solution. What that does is it leaves a big gap in my understanding and my capacity for me to get to know my Heavenly Father. Jesus illustrates our relationship this way in John 15:5 where He says “apart from Me you can do nothing.”
The image that He uses is one of a branch (i.e., you and I) abiding, or being constantly connected, to The Vine (i.e., Jesus). In this illustration, the vine’s life-giving nutrients, literally life, flows to the branch to produce the fruit that the Vinedresser, in the case the Heavenly Father, wants to produce. The vinedresser directs everything that goes on in the vineyard and the vine gives life to the branches to produce the desired fruit the vinedresser desires. The fruit grows by the branch (again, that’s you and I) simply being connected to the vine (i.e., constant conversation). What does this mean when faced with the multitude of decisions that business owners and CEOs need to make daily? Stay tuned for the next post!
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